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Wir bieten Ihnen 15 Campingplätze
Spread over a hill to be explored, known and owned in all its natural beauty, Rosselba Le Palme encompasses in its 300,000 square meters the scenic wonders of Elba Island.
Der Hügel, auf dem sich das 36,000 m² große Areal des Camping Village Europa erstreckt, fällt sanft bis an den Sandstrand zum Meer hin ab und bietet einen herrlichen Ausblick auf die Küste der Insel Elba.
Camping Village Casa dei Prati is located in a quiet and panoramic area, in front of the splendid gulf of Lacona, with its famous sandy beach, one of the largest on the island of Elba, with crystal clear water that slopes gently towards the deep sea, ideal for...
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