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Camping and Tourist Villages Sottomarina

Haz clic en la imagen o en el mapa para acceder a las fichas detalladas de los campings en la zona turística con informaciones, fotos, servicios, precios y contactos.

Te proponemos 7 soluciones

Miramare Camping Village

Camping Miramare managed by the family Boscolo since 1972 is located in Sottomarina in the midst of nature directly on the Adriatic Sea, just 50 km from Venice. The pleasant and friendly atmosphere is the first feeling you feel coming to Camping Village Miramare.

Camping Adriatico

Camping Adriatic is situated in the centre of the lido di Sottomarina Chioggia beach, directly on the Adriatic Sea.

Camping TreDue

Chioggia (Venice)

Via Sebastiano Venier 345 - Sottomarina di Chioggia

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